The same happens if I try to open the game from EGL run the game from steam with RGL (rockstar game launcher) open: The message "this feature is not currently available" appears on RGL, the button on EGL changes to "loading" the game appears on task manager but doesn't open and later the button changes to "quitting". I'd start with OS build/version (if N/KN), and what does running gta5.exe do - complains to launch through steam or gives missing files errors?

Really need more info to 'narrow' it down more unless you want to just start shotgunning all the usual fixes to it.

Connection issues, lack of admin/permissions issues, corrupt vcredists, missing media feature pack if on N/KN windows, connection issues, install r*/sc issues, av/security. did it work before? Just break? New user? There are many reasons to get feature not available errors.